Wednesday, May 2, 2007

On the Brain

I would just like to say that if you believe that your brain was created by evolutionary pressures to survive, you can't really believe that you can know the truth for certain. I mean, your brain would lie to you to get you to survive - Any brains that didn't wouldn't have been selected.

It would also lie to you to get you to mate.

If you're trying to figure out the truth about anything, your brain is a pretty crappy tool.

Mine's not. It was made by God to seek the truth, and that's what it does.


Jim Jordan said...

Darwin saw this problem too. It's called his "horrid doubt" that if his theory was correct, we have a monkey's brain. He knew his theory was unworkable even then.

Dave said...

Hmmm........Jim talks about the "horrid doubt."

Of course, only shows his doesn't understand the theory of evolution. Darwin never claimed we descended from monkeys. He said humans and monkeys descended from a common ancestor.

The Xtian bible is filled with absurdities and contradictions - evolution makes perfect sense.